Friday, February 11, 2011

(CNN) -- Here is the text of a statement that British Prime Minister David Cameron made Friday about events in Egypt:

Today has been a remarkable day, particularly for those people in Tahrir Square and elsewhere, who have spoken out so bravely and so peacefully for change in their country.

Egypt now has a really precious moment of opportunity to have a government that can bring the country together, and as a friend of Egypt and the Egyptian people, we stand ready to help in any way that we can.

We believe it must be a government that starts to put in place the building blocks of a truly open, free and democratic society, and, of course, what has happened today should only be the first step.

Those who now run Egypt have a duty to reflect the wishes of the Egyptian people, and in particular, there really must be a move to civilian and democratic rule as part of this important transition to an open, democratic and free Egypt.


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