Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Oprah Winfrey is only able to land his exclusive interview with Michael Vick (notes) after he agreed to drop in betting on the CNN host Piers Morgan. The two television personalities are wagered on who was the first to sit on the reforms star football since his return to the field, but says Morgan Vick's people are asking for bets to be canceled because they did not want the quarterback Philadelphia Eagles in relation to gambling .
Winfrey and Morgan was wagered 200 pounds (about $ 320 U.S.) in its race book Vick. Oprah is set to win the bet earlier this week when he announced that Vick would appear on his show on February 24. He dropped a friendly bet as determined by Vick's employer. Morgan explains:

"Here's what happened: I Bet Oprah £ 200 for interviews, and then a magical thing happened at the end of last week, where Michael Vick's agent rang us both up and said, 'He can not gambling party so he 'will only do an interview with either you if you withdraw the bet.' And at this point, Oprah, lightning fast, gets straight to twitter and says, 'Dear Piers, I'm withdrawing the weather, I do not know why I let you talk me into it, I still love you, Oprah. "

"The moment I saw that, I know what that means is, if he is on Twitter, he was clear and she had him in the bag! You should never pick a fight with Oprah Winfrey, right? "
Morgan is a bit of a blowhard and I'm not entirely sure I believe this story, but if it is true that it shows how the image rehabilitation tours are nothing but a sham. Vick can lend his name to the party in the clubs but would not be the subject of a tongue-in-cheek bet between two stars? What, he was almost afraid to Oprah's female viewership make the connection between this silly and disgusting bet Vick did during his days dogfighting? Censoring currently does not erase the past.
If Vick does not want to be associated with gambling, playing quarterback in the NFL is probably the wrong job. Millions of dollars are wagered every week based on Vick's play and he did not seem to have a problem with that. I assume the moral high ground is easier to take when it's convenient.


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